Sunday, April 22, 2012

The Cowardly Racist

In America, there have been countless hours of talking heads on the Magic news box spouting off about racial profiling. Profiling itself may have some real world application, but the talking heads on the MNB mounted to my wall tell me it's terrible. Or great. I don't know. All the yelling from the box frightens me and I usually just change the channel to professional wrestling. At least the stupidity there is fake.          

Pat Damouth, however, takes it to a fantastic level. Click the name to get a full taste of the stupid.

There is one sentence I'm sure some people might agree with. I'll let you pick it out in a game I call "Are you a god damned idiot?"

Locking up every twenty year old black male with dreadlocks is a stupid statement. I'm not too sure if the second sentence is a way for Pat to have a little redemption, but the sarcasm dripping off that comment is enough to knock the dreads off every faux Rastafarian in a twelve block radius. The argument for profiling has nothing to do with skin color, Pat. It has to do with noticing possible threats. Look up the security measures for the Israeli airports and you will get a good idea how it can work by studying answers from simple questions. Profiling, however, is not throwing every scary black person in prison until they are...not black? Not twenty? I'm not to sure what the end game is there.

I wonder if Pat made any other comments to  tell us who the winner of "Are you a god damned idiot."

Oh wait, of course there are more stupid comments!

Wait guys, I'm sorry about this. Pat is right, we should just stop reading her (his?) comments. It's our own fault for getting angry at the things s/he is posting, because we have the audacity to read the shit that falls out of her brain and jumps through the internet tubes into our eyes.

However, the thing which has been making me giggle since I read it is that Pat is a racist out in the open and the rest of us are just too scared to say what we feel. Lord knows I've been standing around with the Tin Man and the Scarecrow as the Cowardly Racist thinking about lions and tigers and darkies, oh my! 

Pat, as it turns out, I am scared of what I feel. However, this blog allows me to say it quite eloquently.

Pat Damouth, you are a god damned idiot.

1 comment:

  1. I'm with Pat. I prefer my racists and bigots to be out where I can see them...and steer clear of them...
