I want to start this blog informing my readers that I have no real stake in this argument. Lately, there has been an image floating around which demonstrates the offensive nature of the name "Indians" for a baseball team in Cleveland, Ohio.
So Bob Costas gets twitter in a tizzy because he claims the Washington Redskin's name is offensive. If you've ever been on twitter, you know what kind of responses that probably got. If you've ever read the comments section of KSDK, then you know it's the same kind of responses without the character limit.
This blog post is a perfect way to show that you don't have to agree one way or another with the topic at hand because people on the internet are gonna stupid the place up.
Disney's "What makes the Red man red?"
Disney's "When I seen an elephant fly"
If you go to that comments section, you'll see lots of people who don't live on reservations talk about how they are part whatever and don't mind the Redskins name. I don't want to tell anyone their opinion doesn't matter, but if the government hasn't given you land because of the way they treated your people in the past, maybe shut up.
Sure, I get it. If I was a Native American, I might be offended too. Or not. Honestly, it takes a lot to offend me since I really don't care about people. Also, I am generally the first one to tell people that it doesn't matter if they are offended by something, but that is usually in reference to personal conversations and thoughts, not multi-million dollar sports franchises.
So Bob Costas gets twitter in a tizzy because he claims the Washington Redskin's name is offensive. If you've ever been on twitter, you know what kind of responses that probably got. If you've ever read the comments section of KSDK, then you know it's the same kind of responses without the character limit.
This blog post is a perfect way to show that you don't have to agree one way or another with the topic at hand because people on the internet are gonna stupid the place up.
Two things here: First off, just because others do it doesn't make it right. I thought we all learned that in grade school. Secondly, not all names lifted from other cultures are insulting. I can understand the racial history of the Braves or the Chiefs, but the Canucks?
Also, I hate when people say there are other things wrong we need to focus on. I don't know what problems Shannon believes we should concern ourselves with as a nation. Probably the Government shutdown. Or how expensive Lego sets are these days.
The first sentence here doesn't make any sense since the team is in Washington. The second sounds like something pulled from their ass. I guess since most black people call each other "nigga" it's OK for anyone else to use it.
I looked up Washington Redskins Protest and came up with a lot of news stories and images of Native Americans who don't like the name. I wonder if there is an anger threshold we have to hit before changing the name becomes mandatory.
Also not meant to denigrate anyone:
Disney's "What makes the Red man red?"
Disney's "When I seen an elephant fly"
The Redskins were formed in 1932. People back then weren't exactly known for their racial and cultural sensitivity.
Again, I am still waiting on a "Gay Agenda" rundown sheet to let me know what the ultimate homosexual goal is. Since the gay people I know don't seem to be indoctronating me with anything other than sushi recommendations, I can only assume something more sinister is happening behind the window treatments.
Good thing Gary is here. It's terrible that schools are teaching our kids how to be accepting of other people and who they are. That's not the closed off, hateful part of America he grew up in!
I'm offended every time I see someone wave the flag of the Confederate traitors and terrorists who tried to tear apart our country because they wanted to own people to save money on their overhead.
The South lost. Get over it.
This doesn't even make sense. It's like saying the word 'nigger' is fine because someone called you a cracker once. No, it's not because they hate being "red" you dipshit. It's because like the word 'nigger', the term has been used to stereotype and dehumanize a group of people.
Somehow it's always the liberal's fault. I'm surprised no one has mentioned Obama yet.
I hope my regular readers didn't actually think someone didn't blame Obama somehow
Hey everyone, the white guy who dislikes both KSDK and punctuation doesn't mind if you call him a redskin.
If you go to that comments section, you'll see lots of people who don't live on reservations talk about how they are part whatever and don't mind the Redskins name. I don't want to tell anyone their opinion doesn't matter, but if the government hasn't given you land because of the way they treated your people in the past, maybe shut up.
We have lost our sense of humor in this country. If only the spics and kikes would grow the fuck up. Hell, she even wishes she had beautiful dark skin, but she's the weaker sex, so what's a race traitor bitch to do other than accept it? The Indians should too. Just lay back and let us steamroll over you.
Does Costas have any right to worry about a minority? Do Native Americans actually care about stuff like this? Should we name them the Washington Beavers and open up a whole new can of offensive worms?
I don't know and I don't care. I'm just here for the giggles. Happy Columbus Day, you freaks.
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