Thursday, October 31, 2013

Gay rights are gay wrongs

Law is a funny old thing. Most of us break one law or another in the course of the day, even if it's unknowingly. Is there any of us who can claim we didn't have a drink under age, rolled through a stop sign or brutally murdered seventeen or so vacuum repair guys and hid their bodies in that one part of my basement with the dirt floor? Of course not, so stop being so sanctimonious Earl from "Our Repairs Suck"!

Today's foray is taken from multiple articles from STLToday on the same sex partner of a State Trooper killed in the line of action suing for spousal benefits. The couple were together for fifteen year and were raising the son of the surviving partner together.

I'm reminded of the Dred Scott case in which a slave sued for his freedom after residing in a free state. The courts ruled slavery constitutional and Scott was forced to return to his master's widow. The entire court ruling is very interesting. There is legal precedence on both sides of the issue and it can be argued that by the letter of the law, Scott was in the wrong.

Of course, it was a legal precedence which gave someone the right to take away the rights of a human because they owned him. Legalities aside, that is pretty fucked up.

These days, it's no better in Missouri for the LGBT community. Not only are you not allowed to marry and be recognized as a couple, but you can legally be fired for being gay.

“Right now you can be fired in Missouri if you’re gay,” said Justus, an attorney. “You can be kicked out of your housing or any public accommodation because you’re bisexual or transgender, or even because you’re perceived as being LGBT.”

So even if your boss thinks you're a bit faggy, you can be fired with no legal ramifications in this state. This is one of those Dred Scott instances in which the law itself is insane and unfair, but it is the law. Which is why I generally advocate to vote against any incumbent when you don't like the law. It's the "Everybody out of the Pool" Party.

At the same time, I had to look up my own state Senators because I have no idea who they are or how many the state has. The answer is 34 and I don't know why, but whatever. I'm sure some lawyer figured it out. The State is generally run with no one else watching because people worry more about Washington D.C. instead of their own back yard. If ever I have an aneurysm, I'd be a State senator. In case it happens, keep this blog on the DL.

First off "Richandvickie Smith", get separate facebook accounts. This isn't locker sharing. I'm sure there are plenty of electrons to spare for the both of you. Also, when one of you idiots says something, you're speaking for the both of you. And I'm going to guess it's Rich speaking since the profile photo only has one person and he looks like an asshole.

Secondly, fuck you for telling anyone what they should accept. I constantly hear this "Civil Union" nonsense, and it sounds like separate but equal to me. I got married at the top of the Arch and it was officiated by a friend who filled out a form online to legally marry people. I don't see why two guys should be denied such an experience and call it what they want.

When talking to my wife a few days ago, she remarked on the stupidity of some people in a facebook group she's a part of (Not yours though. Yours is cool) and I responded that it surprises me that people can say some of the dumbest things on facebook. I'm not friends with people like Dwight Billingsly here, so I forget there are people who think like this. I suppose I'm so used to internet users generally being liberally minded that I mistake these people for trolls at first.

Blah blah, Jesus hates homos, blah blah. I'm sure John also has sold his daughters into slavery and never sits somewhere his menstruating wife has sat.

I love this argument because it seems like Brian Hunsperger is upset he can't fuck a child, a turtle or of course, a dead person. Obviously all could consent, right? That turtle was giving him some 'come hither' eyes.

Poly marriages I don't have a stake in either way, but can you imagine the tax nightmare?

Obamanation is a new one on me. If there's one thing this president has give us, it's a name ripe with pun opportunities. As for WE THE PEOPLE, it apparently only counts for the straight people. All you queers are unamerican and should be ashamed of your terrorist actions.

The homosexual hate community. Don't you just love it when a middle class, straight white male turns it around an makes it about their persecution? I'm not someone to scream "Check your privilege!" at people because this isn't Tumblr and I'm not a genderqueer Unicorn otherkin who hates my parents but loves eyeliner and angst, but you don't really get to talk about being hated on while denying rights to others. Because that is a super dick move to pull. 

The rainbow colored teeth is an actual thing though. Pro tip: don't eat Cheetos and Starbursts at the same time

I wouldn't blame a homosexual hate community for forming against these assholes, but thankfully the LGBT community realizes you can't insert human dignity into another person with a crowbar, no matter how many times you hit them.

I suppose it is hate speak to point out the homophobic people of the world are dying out and thanking God for it. Honestly though, Scott is very reserved considering some of the things Mike McCluskey says in the comments.

Thank God this asshole will die at some point.

Thank goodness someone is looking out for the money in this situation. I would hate it if some gay dude got state funds. Straight couples are fine though. Just keep your hands off the money, you damn dirty queers!

I don't know if this guys commented in the wrong place or if he momentarily stroked out and typed this with his face. 

What did happen to Norman Rockwell's America? It changed like it always does. We expanded, evolved and grew as a people. We no longer die of Polio or tell black people they can't eat at certain restaurants. The stupid fantasy Rockwell created of loving homes and families was a thin slice of fucked-up pie we call America. And we're still evolving and thank goodness for it. There is no reason you should be able to tell two consenting adults who love each other they can't do something just because you find it icky or because your book written by shepherds a couple thousand years ago has a line in it which you translated into intolerance.

As for my weekend with a chicken and a weed eater, I will have a good time regardless of your negativity.


  1. Lol. I know one of the commenters. I've been waiting for this moment.

  2. LOLOLOLOL!! Uncle Hank
