I'm not one to say I am politically correct, and I really hope this post doesn't come off like I'm some kind of Social Justice Warrior spouting off about privilege. I'm not here to be a voice for the voiceless. I just want to laugh at the stupid shit said by stupid people on the internet. As a fairly well rounded individual who has lived as a white dude in mixed race areas all my life, I feel I can speak from a place of authority on what is and isn't racist.
And I certainly can tell you what is and isn't stupid.
KMOV posted on their facebook wall about a college fraternity having an MLK Black Party, which consisted of dressing in basketball jerseys and drinking from watermelons. You can see just how well this went in the picture below.
This picture and the comment attached to it is a perfect example of the reason for this blog. The kids in the photo are probably not actually all that racist (I'm sure they have a black friend somewhere) but this is the equivalent of dressing up with bucked teeth and squinting your eyes on the Chinese New Year.
Daniel Loftin provides us with the exact comment that doesn't need to be said. He's justifying these actions by saying "Well blacks do it too!!"
This is where the disconnect happens when it comes to racial equality in our country. It's not OK to celebrate negative stereotypes on a day set aside for a guy who worked to end segregation. It doesn't become OK because a black person called you a honkey one time. That person is in the wrong as well. It's not that fucking hard to figure out.
Obviously KMOV is covering up a global conspiracy of black people who hate whitey. I'm not sure what news reports they are expecting here since a majority of local violent crime is happening in North City and it's black on black. Are black people racist against their own people? Does Tony Schneiderjohn know any black people? Probably just the ones who got a job from some poor person who was better qualified, but had the misfortune of being white.
I love people who are too good for the news. They are "too good" for it so much they have to post about it on the internet. Because Dana Behrhorst has better things to do and you're gonna know about it!
If any of these people were actually worried about the important things in life they would delete their facebook accounts and go outside. Instead, they are giving their opinion on something they are too busy to have an opinion on.
It seems by her profile photo the important things to her are putting wacky wigs on dogs. I guess everyone needs a hobby.
If you are on your local news station's facebook page looking for in depth analysis of foreign and domestic affairs, you're going to be in for a surprise. KMOV isn't even my first place to look for St. Louis news, let alone what's happening in the world. Their website is a hot mess of tiles and tabs that serve only to irritate me when I'm looking for the weather. Ever since KSDK had to go with the Gannett design, I've been looking for a place to easily look up the weather without wanting to punch a screen. Turns out putting the word "weather" followed by my zip code into google is better than anything else these sites have figured out.
I read Al Jazeera America for my foreign news. I can guarantee none of these people actually give a flying fuck about the protests in the Ukraine or why they are happening. Which is fine, it's not something that affects us directly and we all have a lot on our plate, but don't pretend you're all upset that you didn't get 45 seconds of world news.
I'm not going to call Richard Dean a racist, but I will call him an idiot. I'm sure World Net Daily has all the insane right wing rants about how Obamarama is a Kenyan Socialist or whatever the hell you think is happening behind your back.
Also, if you're gonna have that beard, you should put a book of punctuation or a dictionary or something in there. Let form follow function!
Nothing like a bunch of white people talking about how a black president has set "us" back 50 years. I don't understand how acting like these students did is seen as acceptable by anyone, nor do I understand where the race card is coming from, but I'd find this pretty offensive in the Bush years.
Desiree King is here to be the black person who says this behavior is OK. I'd actually think it would be more offensive if black kids were doing this shit on MLK day. Good thing Desiree is here to let us know the most offensive things about these photos is how they are flashing gang signs wrong. Other than that, nothing inaccurate or terrible whatsoever. This is exactly how black people act everywhere.
Lori Schulte is trying to be that teacher in grade school who says we're all the same underneath, but takes it creepy step forward and yells about removing our skin.
Yes, those terrible days when nerds were forced to drink from a different water fountain than the jocks. This is just fun! WHY AREN'T YOU HAVING FUN?!?!
While I'm certainly not calling for these kids' heads on platters, I'm a bit astonished that so many of the comments are from people who think this is acceptable behavior and just "College kids being college kids." Is it that hard to look at these pictures and realize there are young people who believe recreating the worst stereotypes about a race is perfectly fine?
The fact that these students are being told their actions are acceptable by so many people is more disgusting than the act itself. You can correct this behavior now, but not if you are going to act indifferent toward it.
Anyone who resorts to calling other people "retards" on the internet immediately loses credibility. Keep that in mind for your future angry rants while stroking your High Life can and gearing up to call everyone stupid because you're so smart.
I don't know how this logic is playing out. The sentence "Talking like a black person talks," is on of the most painful things I have read from someone who claims not to be racist.
Here's the scoop: If you think throwing up gang signs and saying "Yo yo Biznitch" is how black people act, you need to stop watching reruns of "The Wire" and go meet actual black people because you are currently pretty racist.
Love it.
What I want to know is why is it always white people who A: Do this shit and the B: Take photos of it and put it on the internet. You could easily have a "Dress as your favorite black person from history" party and have people show up looking like Dredd Scott or George Washington Carver and give peanuts to everyone.
But they go for the low hanging fruit and dress up gangsta. Just upload photos to the internet and give us this year's targeting of all the people on the internet who start a comment out with the equivalent of "I'm not racist, but..." It's a bit depressing, but at least we can laugh.
Weather w/out screen-punching: http://forecast.io