Sunday, January 26, 2014

Monday Madness: KMOV is trying to recreate grade school dating

The differences between social media managers running the facebook pages of the local news is interesting to watch in action. KSDK and STLToday both write like Midwest journalism interns run the pages, but KMOV goes a weird direction. They like to make their fan interactions as lazy as possible by just listing possibilities

It's certainly not everything they post, but it's enough. I pulled these three on the same day

But can you argue with the results? How many people follow other news organizations, but just don't have the time to fully explain their positions? Now they have a better way!

Fan interaction is highest on KMOV than any of the other facebook fan sites for the local news. And like real journalists, they ask the hard hitting questions.

1 comment:

  1. Well, all the old people probably moved over to Fox since Larry Conners blew a fuse, so maybe they're marketing to the preteen crowd that used to belong to AOL.
