Thursday, January 30, 2014

Saint Louis shows their caring side for Local Harvest.

For those of you who don't know, Local Harvest is a Saint Louis based grocery store and cafe. Recently, the owners have set up an indiegogo donation site to help raise money to keep themselves open. After a failed attempt to expand in Kirkwood, the little company just hasn't managed to bounce back and they are asking for help.

This model has been used by many people and companies asking for help by crowdsourcing the funding for projects. Notable game designers like Double Fine have successfully funded new games by promising various rewards for donations, and directors and movie studios have funded new projects this way.

I like this model. There have been plenty of failures, but no one is putting a gun to your head and forcing you to give. As a Tru Konservatie and normal human being, I recognize this kind of sourcing allows us to make our own decisions on what to spend money on and what not to. If you want to donate to help, great! If not, that's cool too!

But then we have these assholes...

Here we have the guy who compares everything to the government. The biggest difference here, Denny Long, is no one is forcing your tax dollars on banks which would break the economy if they failed. This is a local grocery store asking for a helping hand.

You'll notice a pattern in these comments, and I want to just point it out here so you can read the rest of these and understand why I am so disgusted by the comments featured here. I have never been to Local Harvest and I don't plan to donate to them, so you can take your eye rolling at the libural hippy out of the equation as well.

Most of the people who comment on these news sites would probably consider themselves conservatives and christians, but as soon as anyone asks for help, it's a sneer and a hateful comment. They could just ignore it and move on, but the fact these twunts (Combination of 'twat' and 'cunt.' Look for it to be used more often) took time out of their day to let us all know how much smarter they are than the people running these companies.

This is exactly what you dipshits have been wanting. No taxes are being used and you certainly don't have to help. Maybe, for once, you can make it not about you and just move on without being an absolute piece of shit.

This "Lesson in capitalism/Free Market" bullshit is such a fucking cop out. It's always your own fault for the predicament you find yourself in unless it's me. Then it's how the government is fucking me over or how the SOCIALISM KENYA LOVER in the White House is fucking ME over!

Truth is, Capitalism hurts small business. It's unfair to someone trying to compete against giant corporations. Capitalism also breeds cronyism, fucked up class structure and keeps poor people poor. 

Like any form of government, it would be great if the world wasn't full of abject assholes.

Local Harvest opened a grocery store in Kirkwood which didn't work out for them and eventually put them in the red, which they have been spending months to try to recover from. The fact that they waited until the zero hour for a complete Hail Mary like this shows this was probably the last thing they wanted to do.

And if the customers want to donate, let them donate. Stop comparing your stupid company with another stupid company. Is your small business a locally sourced grocery store and cafe? I can't say this with 100% certainty, but I bet it isn't. Have you gotten to this desperate point with your business? Probably not, since it's still open.

Not having this money will kill the company. Eileen Dillion's company is still around. Therefore, shut the fuck up.

Dear everyone, please stop trying to go bankrupt because it's pathetic. You should live like Bill Hughes here, who has never made a mistake and is totally not projecting. Also, all your penises are small.

Also, when did asking for help become such a terrible thing? Conservatives love to yell LOLBOOTSTRAPS when discussing businesses, but seem to forget they are mostly well educated, upper middle class white males, with all the rank and privilege that comes with it.

Jesus asked God not to let him be crucified. I guess he should have just gotten over himself and bootstrapped his way up to heaven.

I'm not sure which way Lois Emery is going here. Is she mad there isn't universal health care? Should Obama be beating the shit out of this other driver? No idea, but she is pissed.

As for Garavelli's, it's been closed since last year. They did the honorable thing: Shut their doors and fucked off like the failures of society they are. Now step aside while I go to Olive Garden. A REAL restaurant!

Hey everyone, look who is totally better than you! Don't you just love the people who feel a need to talk about how great they would be IF ONLY they had the money! These Local Harvest people are obviously just selfish because they aren't giving all their money to the needy like Donna Bandermann and Cheryl Jones do every day!

Of course, I would never assume the two of them don't give up most of their money for the poor. That would be silly of me. Just like assuming Local Harvest doesn't do any kind of donating.

The point is that you don't have to give any money. Also, you don't have to comment about how great you are for not supporting local businesses. Most people just sound like assholes who want everyone to know how it's their own fault for their predicament. Just like all those pregnant, single mothers and welfare queens. They should have been born into the upper middle class like true, Christian Americans!  

At least one person has a plan.

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