You knew it was coming. We've lived through snowmageddons and icepocalypes or whatever goofy word meteorologists make up. You heard the french toast jokes, reposted that bread and milk video and participated in tedious small talk with people about how "it just won't stop coming down!"
But now it's time for plow-gate. And boy is it beautiful.
If you didn't notice, St. Louis was buried under a foot of snow early this month, and then dealt with sub-zero temperatures for two days. During that time, many in the city hunkered down in their holes and did the only thing the weather allowed, which was bitch and moan on the internet.
It's the old assholes vs. the young whiners. Get ready for the dumbest arguments available.

Blaming Mayor Slay is like the microcosm version of blaming everything on President Obama. Nothing the man can do is ever right, and no one understands it the local council and aldermen who actually get things done. Kind of like not understanding that Congress has dipshitted around more than the president about whatever it is people are whining about today.
Of course everyone will still vote in the incumbents because it's always your guy who is the shit head, not mine.
But now it's time for plow-gate. And boy is it beautiful.
If you didn't notice, St. Louis was buried under a foot of snow early this month, and then dealt with sub-zero temperatures for two days. During that time, many in the city hunkered down in their holes and did the only thing the weather allowed, which was bitch and moan on the internet.
It's the old assholes vs. the young whiners. Get ready for the dumbest arguments available.

Blaming Mayor Slay is like the microcosm version of blaming everything on President Obama. Nothing the man can do is ever right, and no one understands it the local council and aldermen who actually get things done. Kind of like not understanding that Congress has dipshitted around more than the president about whatever it is people are whining about today.
Of course everyone will still vote in the incumbents because it's always your guy who is the shit head, not mine.
Yeah, a lot of whining going on from those who needed to get into work. Why can't everyone just relax, dig the place out and go eat at the deli you forgot was down the street because it's honestly not as good as the other one a few miles away?
By the way Paul E Jost, how did those people at the eating establishments you were so happily traipsing to get to work? Or do they all live on your happy little snow shoveled streets? Sounds like you assume everyone else should be able to get to work so you can enjoy a little snow day all to yourself.
Also, why are you commenting about dog shit on a news story? Are you that lonely?
Is there anything so wonderful as the gravely sound of old people bitching about the young? I don't know what city dwelling young ones he's thinking of here, but people born with silver spoons in their mouths don't move to Southampton or Dutchtown. I can't believe these kids and their whining about snow removal or crime or jobs or whatever it is those hooligans go on about!
You'll always see a lot of this sorry attempt at rhetoric whenever the younger generation wants something changed for the better. Apparently whatever generation Donald Vetter is a part of was the best and no one should do a thing to change. I hope he has an old CRT TV in his house and is getting on the internet with a 9600 BAUD modem.
"The Road Less Traveled" is a pop psych book about problem solving and how not finding resolution can lead to hardships and pain down the road. So it sound like the "whiners" Steve Houston is so concerned about are actually affecting change and trying to better their communities so there ins't as much hardship in the future.
I have a feeling Steve Houston didn't fully grasp the concept of the book. To be fair, I only read the first three sentences of the google books description. Psychology books from the late 70s isn't my thing.
Either way, you don't get to talk about how life is supposed to be difficult while you make comments on the internet in your climate controlled home. This was about needing plows, not the duality of a life lived in comfortable sorrow and how it can all be fixed by drinking microbrews in the woods talking about feelings until you feel manly again.
I don't know if Shannon Howard has been around the city of late, but my "walkable neighborhood" didn't have most of the sidewalks shoveled until Wednesday and even when it was don, it was only half of the houses. The wonderful -10 degrees would have made that mile walk to my nearest restaurant bone-chillingly lovely if they happened to be open.
And what is the hate on the Prius? You're apparently an asshole if you get 50 miles to the gallon?
I don't often use the word douchecanoe, but John Moynihan managed to slip right into it and wrap that word around himself like a shit blanket.
John Schranck is saying exactly what many younger Saint Louisians are feeling when it came to this year's snowrrican: They aren't whining because they are bitchy little kids, they want to work and better themselves and their surroundings. It's really shitty that some people would make fun of them for it.
It takes a special kind of douchecanoe to make fun of someone's profession.
I saw about four metro buses stuck as I navigated the streets after the snow storm. Turns out snow drifts and slush aren't great for vehicles made for driving on city streets. However, Mark Belding was all over the comments sections of many stories swinging his bus boner around.
I live in the city and work in Clayton. I've never had to navigate my way to work via bus, and expecting me to intuitively be able to do so with a bus schedule on a Monday at five in the morning is a bit more than I can handle. If that makes me a part of the entitled generation, so be it.
People did take buses and the metrolink. The system was overcrowded, had massive delays and plenty of stuck vehicles for about four days. It wasn't the great white hope Mark Belding was rooting for.
If you google Carol Size's name, the first is her twitter @GOPKICKSASS in which she just shares a dozen right-wing stories a day and bitches about democrats.
I'm thinking of not screencapping her comments any more and just put up this picture every time I see her comment.
Everyone just loved to share their stories about living in areas which experience these kinds of weather patterns. Everything from Chicago to Montana and even Siberia up there.
This is like when people laugh at Texas for closing down after an inch of snow. You think Dallas has the resources to prepare for any significant amount of ice on the roads? Of course not, it's stupid hot down there on a regular basis. They don't know what to do. On the flip side, would a Minnesotan know how to deal with 110 degrees while slaving over a grill? Of course not, because there isn't any worthwhile food that comes from the northern states other than cheese.
This storm was a freak occurrence. The last one was thirty years ago, but people just assume we're all perfectly able to drive in the weather? Because I've seen the traffic jams and accidents in Minneapolis after a big storm. You northern douchebags aren't any better at dealing with this shit.
Yeah, it was hard to get to work for a couple days. Obviously the city will never recover from this horrific economic downturn. It's October 1929 all over again!
There is no better way to sound old than to bitch about taxes. No one under the age of 40 ever starts a comment with "I'm a taxpayer, and..." because of course you're a tax payer. We're all tax payers. You aren't part of some elite group of dipshits who pay money to the government. And that one percent city income tax? You like that world famous zoo that is always expanding? You want to keep that free? You like that Science Center we have? Maybe shut the fuck up. If it's such a problem, you can always move to Affton and lie to yourself about your residency.
How many of you old jerks can take time off without hurting for money or annoying your boss because you don't have any personal days saved up in the first week of the new year?
This is the kind of attitude that pisses me off. This storm was a freak of nature, and our current operating procedures for clearing the roads wasn't enough. Different circumstances require different responses. God forbid we change the status quo, otherwise you're just a whining little "yuppie".
Be careful when hiring the lawn ranger to do your lawns. He may start spouting off how he has to charge more because gas prices are up and OBAMA IS FUCKING HIM OVER! THE GRASS IS ALL A PART OF THE GLOBAL CONSPIRACY, AND IT'S LAUGHING AT HIM!
Let me give you the correct answer to all of this as a city home owner: The city should have been faster on clearing the side streets, but none of us really knew the slushy hell those roads would become after it warmed up enough for the chemical treatments to start working. Here's hoping the people in charge put that in their "lessons learned" plan of action next time we have this kind of insanity.
As for the commenters, if you don't live in the city, kindly shove your opinions up your ass. The dialog wasn't for you or your shitty ideas. I'm glad your wide suburban streets were cleared in a timely manner. My garage dumps out onto a cobblestone road and it probably shouldn't be plowed on the regular.
And by the time you read this, everyone will have forgotten about the snowstorm anyway. That's the beauty of internet commenters: There's always a new thing to bitch about.
I am contemplating making a Bizarro Carol Size Facebook account just to get her more frothing mad.
ReplyDeleteGreat piece except for the part where you suggested Texas cuisine is somehow particularly worthwhile.
ReplyDeleteIf you do start the parody Facebook account about her, I suggest a name for it: Desperate Housewife Carol Size.