Thursday, January 2, 2014

The St. Louis Police Department is staffed by vampires.

In a story surprising no one, St. Louis police will be working extra hard to crack down on drunk drivers during one of the biggest amateur nights of the year, New Years Eve.

Also surprising no one is the influx of comments lamenting the terrible world we are all living in because law doesn't work the way people want it to.

Here's something you might be unaware of: Implied Consent. Apparently when you sign for your driver's license, you are giving consent to submit to BAC tests if police have reason to suspect you of driving impaired. You can refuse, but it's an automatic year suspension of your license. However, they police have every right to get a warrant to get whatever evidence they need to charge your ass with a crime if necessary.

Police will have judges on call to obtain a warrant allowing them to take your blood if you refuse to perform a roadside sobriety test. The idea is to hold offenders accountable for their actions since refusal doesn't always put a DWI on your record.

There's something great about a well thought out, cognizant comment which ends with some ass comparing it with the Nazis. Remember back in high school when we learned Goebbles set up DWI checkpoints all over East Berlin?

The moment anyone compares some action taken by the police department as "nazi" or starts to extol the teachings of George Orwell's 1984, I immediately shut down and dismiss the argument entirely. There is no argument to be made because they have already made up their minds to take the crazy train to stupid town. Especially someone marketing themselves as "Daily Conspiracy"

I don't know what Joe Morice is smoking since we obviously started marshal law last year as the military trained for Obama phones or whatever nonsense was happening at that time. We've been fascist for year, but these jackoffs are just now realizing it, and it took refusing a breathalyzer when pulled over to realize it!

Shut it down, everyone. Until all the murders stop in the city, we can't focus on any other crimes, especially during a higher than normal time for drunk driving. Been raped? Sorry, we got murders to solve. Child kidnapped? You better hope he shows up dead somewhere.

It was a pretty high time for murders this past week, but people who don't read news articles beyond the headline that pops up on their facebook feed never see that we aren't experiencing random murders. People who kill people generally know one another, and are killing for a reason. 

Pay off your dealer, kids. You don't want to be in debt to a dude named Rekt that sells meth on the north side.

The Constitution is used online just like the Bible. People quote bits and pieces which support their views without understanding the message of the text in its entirety. Most of them probably haven't read the thing since they were children (either one) but are dead set on using it to get your own convoluted point across.

I'm trying to figure out the scenario these people are concerned about. So you get pulled over in the city on suspicion of driving while intoxicated (which in itself is as rare as spotting a unicorn on Morgan Ford.) You have two options at this point: Blow into the breathalyzer and be on your merry way because you would never drive drunk, or refuse because you don't want a DWI on your record.

The only two people who would refuse to blow are people who are drunk and people who want to take to the internet and scream about THEIR RIGHTS BEING TOTES VIOLATED, YA'LL. 

Normally, if you refuse to blow you get your license revoked for one year. Now, however, the STLPD wants people who are driving drunk to be prosecuted for it, so they will get a warrant to collect evidence. Much like the gun you used to murder that dude who isn't paying his meth bill will get collected, so will your blood or saliva.

How this chain of events caused by the driver suddenly means we're Nazi Germany is beyond me. Blow into the damn breathalyzer and move on with your evening. This isn't about complying with the automatons of the government hierarchy, it's about safety and holding those breaking the law and endangering others accountable for their decisions.

Fuck you, Doug Cofer. You people haven't done a thing other than bitch and moan on the internet. Congress is at an all time low approval rating, but you assholes will keep voting the incumbents back. You people stopped protesting the wars overseas when it became too tiresome. You people let this shit happen and then bitch and moan about it later.

This slactivism is the worst kind of cancer in the minds of Americans. People who post about how their smart phones can be used as spying devices by the NSA, but don't actually get rid of it. People who complain about free speech and call the president a communist OPENLY ON PUBLIC FORUMS and don't disappear in the middle of the night.

Just like circulating petitions, complaining on facebook without actually doing something about it shows just how much you don't actually care. Next time, rather than get all heated in the comments section of facebook, either shut the fuck up or go do something to change things. Clicking share in the echo chamber of your facebook feed doesn't count.

Pretty convoluted way of discussing something which has been going on for forty years. Police were asking for samples at one point, but you were perfectly within your rights to refuse. Of course, everyone paints some fucked up picture of being surrounded by seven cops who are all looking down on you, bullying you into compliance. If there's one thing I've learned from the internet, it's never trust what people say on the internet.

As some one who has met and dealt with the local police force on a few occasions, I'm curious as to where these bully cops are. All the ones I've come across have been nothing but perfectly fine, courteous people doing a job. Then again, I've been accused as being part of the AMERIKKKA WAR MACHINE a few times because I'm in the military, so I don't exactly trust the opinions of people who spend their time trolling the contents of local news comments.

Moral of the story: If you are pulled over for suspicion of DUI, blow into the thing and Hitler won't run at you with a needle and vacuum cleaner to splatter the walls with your collected DNA and sop it up with the Constitution.

Besides, if you manage get a DWI in the city limits, you probably were dragging a street light behind your car while pelting a police cruiser with empty bottles of MD 20/20.

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