Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Coke commits the terrible crime of reminding Saint Louis the country isn't just European white people.

If you're anything like me, this past Sunday you skipped watching the Super Bowl and instead had a nice steak dinner in a gloriously empty restaurant. Then had a nice sleep and watched the commercials online when you should have been working Monday morning.

During this time, you may have seen a Coca-Cola ad in which people from all over the country sang "America the Beautiful" in various different languages.

And then clicked the comments section to see America the Beautiful promptly shit itself in xenophobic rage.

KSDK, seeing an opportunity to drive page clicks of stupid people to their site, promptly jumped on that shit and posted to their facebook asking what all the mouth breathing troglodytes of the bi-state area thought of the commercial, and they came out in droves.

This is the basic nonsense you see all over. I know one of those clickbait websites compiled a list of tweets, all of which said basically the same thing as Terry Schroeder here. America has no official language, and that works fine for us. The people who bitch and moan about having to "Press one for English" should realize that maybe, for once, it's not about you.

Also, any time I come across a bilingual call center, I can either press two for Spanish, or press nothing to continue with English. They made it so you don't have to waste any precious calories trying to find a button to push.

I urge everyone to watch the behind-the-scenes video of the Coke ad which can be found here. Everyone in that commercial was an English speaking American who loves living in this country. Even better, when you hit the two minute mark, you hear these wonderful Americans talk about the prejudices they have to deal with. How one woman didn't feel welcome because of the color of her skin, and how her husband, a white man, didn't feel welcome in her family. There are the Native Americans who get called foreigners and the Israeli and Arab who are afraid to talk about their heritage.

Since day one we've been hating on people who wash up on our shores looking for something better, and you can rest assured there will be some jackass talking out of their ass about LEGAL immigration being totes fine. Even though it's a process that can take years, and the ones calling for it are only citizens because they managed to be shat out inside our borders.

I'm surprised Americans are so willing to oust their current favorite brand of shitty sugar water over something so trivial. Pepsi came out in favor of gay rights, and Dr. Pepper had a controversial evolution ad, so I wonder how all these assholes will get their empty calories. You can always drink sweet tea as long as you don't mind that Lipton is a owned by UK based company.

Man, it is hard to buy American when you're a bigot.


Yes, there was a distinct lack of Aryan in that commercial. How dare they not include the downtrodden whitey!?!?! I also love the claim of "We built this nation." The full quote should be "We built this nation, stolen from the feather heads, on the backs of niggers, chinks and micks and continue to do so on underpaid wetback labor. WHAR ALL DA WHITE PEOPLE AT?"

Josh Desroche is the guy who asks why there isn't a White History month and locks his car door whenever a black person walks by.

Again, we have no national language. Valerie Frakes, as an American, puts shame on Coca Cola for DARING to acknowledge there might possibly be other people in this country who aren't like her. Or even daring to showcase two languages that were in America before it was America! 

Personally, I don't give a fuck what you speak, just don't talk to me.

Just one of many of the English speakers using improper punctuation, grammar, exclamation abuse and spelling words wrong. 

Amanda Wurtz knows better than to let things like knowledge and intelligence get in her way.

You know that person who starts talking and everything is great, but then keeps talking and everything is stupid? That's Judy Hasenstab Sawyer. The one who thinks it's great we have all this diversity so everyone can love us again! Please love America, little brown people drinking sugar water!

For an exercise, think about how much you give a fuck about Bahrain That's as much of a fuck Bahranians give a fuck about you. Those people have jobs, families and all kinds of other boring human things to deal with every day than to worry about if they love America or not.

As one of your service men protecting the u.s.a., I don't give a flying fuck. I hear a dozen different languages in uniform and it's fine. And if you come over from Japan or Mexico or Europe and don't speak English, I can give you a quick primer. There are the only words you need to get by in America:

Fuck You
Son of Bitch
One please
Two please
Where is bathroom

Beyond that, it's all just conversational English.

Finally, I've taken the liberty to translate America the Beautiful into a truly beautiful language: Klingon. Please keep in mind not everything translates properly. Klingon poetry is much different than ours.

toH 'IH spacious chal,
tIr amber joq,
Doq 'ej SuD HuD ghItlhvetlh
wovbe' naH nIt!
america! america!
qeylIS shed SoHvaD botlhDaq
qoghDaq QaQ loDnI' hood
vo' Qo'noS ngeng retlhDaq boch!


  1. Yikes, someone's mad. I wonder how much web traffic this shithole gets?

  2. Klingon!!! Lol!! Best part of the whole awesome post.

  3. Example No. 689,921.083 of The Willfully Ignorant being The Willfully Ignorant. SMH.

  4. Yeah, it's not all European White People.

    The ones that matter are though.
