I've been gone for a bit. If you need a half-hearted excuse, it's because it's hard to read the comments section of local news websites and not drown yourself in Popov vodka in an attempt to have some weird poetic suicide attempt that no one gets. I should have done like Elvis and just shot my computer, but I don't have the money to be doing that on the regular, and you get the cops called on you when you shoot randomly toward Wentzville.
If you want to read some straight up racist stuff, you can do no better than a story about race in St. Charles. What we call White Flight took place in the 70s when white people kept shifting further and further west along I-70 as black people bought houses in the urban areas. St. Charles has also blocked the MetroLink from going past the airport and into their area. I suppose they just love driving their cars to Cardinals games and paying twenty bucks for parking.
A story from Fox 2 about an argument at a family reunion in St. Charles turning into a shooting is probably something we can all understand. Who hasn't wanted to just slam a brick into a cousin's face at some point? Of course, since the guy was black, we have to talk about all the blackness and how black people are ruining everything. I'M NOT RACIST YOU GUIZE, I'M JUST TELLING DA TROOF!
I guess Rusty is saying that moving to the city makes you more racist? Because I live in the city. There's lots of black people around me. Some are perfectly normal people. Some are kinda trashy. It was the same when I lived around mostly white people too. People are people, and some of them, like Rusty, just outright suck.
Also, I found a cheaper alternative. |
A story from Fox 2 about an argument at a family reunion in St. Charles turning into a shooting is probably something we can all understand. Who hasn't wanted to just slam a brick into a cousin's face at some point? Of course, since the guy was black, we have to talk about all the blackness and how black people are ruining everything. I'M NOT RACIST YOU GUIZE, I'M JUST TELLING DA TROOF!
The negros are coming! Usher out your impressionable sons and daughters of racial purity!
Rose understands what exactly needs to be done. Give in to your fears and vacate the area without getting to know any of your non-white neighbors. I bet whenever she's at the mall and three young black teens are hanging out at the Sabarros, she valiantly leaves the area and tells her BFFs about how St. Peters is on the downhill because of all the hippity hop she's hearing these days!
Personally, large groups of a certain race are what keeps me out of Whole Foods.
I like to think the first person here is also including methed out whities and the Yakuza before someone had to come and get all racist with it.
Usually people will announce their status as a taxpayer in their comment, but this person just decided to make it their Fox 2 News identity. I appreciate the sentiment of the comment, but you still look like a douchecanoe
I have a feeling this person was going for some kind of comment on society, but for the life of me I cannot figure it out. It's like they wanted to make sure to get in some racist comments while also defending the second amendment?
Don't you just love it when people bring up criminal records that don't show a history of violence and then say they deserved to get killed? I guess everyone who has ever smoked some weed deserves no kind of help or sympathy. Not like us GLORIOUS TAXPAYERS!
Ten bucks says every one of them has some kind of skeleton in their closet that another commentor would say they deserve death or dismemberment.
That, or they are just really boring people. You know? Like the people who go to a function for their kids and wear name tags with shit like "Kaylie's Daddy" instead of their actual name because they've given up any pretense of having an identity anymore. That should constitute jail time.
Black people: Please be aware that you will always be a representative for your race, and any time something bad happens in the black community, it's specifically your fault.
This is one of the most privileged arguments ever slapped up on the internet by people who weren't raised in abject poverty with a surrounding environment steeped in violence.
I can't say that I have experienced anything in the same realm as institutionalized racism, but as a veteran I am aware I am looked at by the general public as someone to be handled with kids gloves because I'll probably go all PTSD on your ass. The webcomic Terminal Lance sums up my feelings on the subject, no matter what minority group you're in.
The point I'm making is stop looking at black people and telling them they need to shape up their race because they're getting all hoodrat. Funny enough, it probably makes those black people dislike you and think that white people are assholes.
So white people, do your race some credit and stop making the rest of us whities look bad.
Race realism is the new "I'm not racist, but..." It's people who claim not to be racist but throw out crime statistics as if that justifies their Hoodrat boogeymen theories.
Also, I love the "Black people are more racist," from the person who claimed she just up and leaves whenever the darkies start to congregate around her.
I guess Rusty is saying that moving to the city makes you more racist? Because I live in the city. There's lots of black people around me. Some are perfectly normal people. Some are kinda trashy. It was the same when I lived around mostly white people too. People are people, and some of them, like Rusty, just outright suck.
Glad you are back.. thought provoking as always.