I tell you this because while I don't understand what is so appealing about a penis, I have no problems with it and believe people are people and should have all the rights us breeders have.
We don't know why some people are gay, some are straight, some are girly, some are manly (Straight and gay. I've run into some frightening straight women and some laughable straight dudes). Science hasn't caught up to it yet, and honestly, that's fine. Eventually we will have an answer, but people are just people. That's the most important thing to remember here. Golden Rule and all that nonsense.
Now that I have all the PC bullshit out of the way, let's talk about all the nasty, gay things that gays are gaying.
STLToday reports there has been a "brouhaha" (The words of the "journalist", not me) in the gay community. The head of Pride St. Louis is dating an eighteen year old high school student and went to his prom with the permission of the principal.
One would think a story like this would stay within the gay community since it seems to truly only affect their world. There is nothing illegal happening, and it's nothing we haven't seen before with gay or straight lovers. Some younger people are attracted to older people and vice versa. Everything seems fine. In fact, since the older guy is the the head of Pride STL, I would imagine he is scrutinized closer than anyone, and would be sure to step carefully in this relationship since he is so visible to his peers.
Is it creepy, is it gross or is it weird? Who cares? There is stupid to get to!
Carol Size starts off well enough to lure you into a false sense of security, and then says some of the dumbest shit I've ever read since the last time I had to read "The Great Gatsby" (Sad, rich people don't make a good book, Fitzgerald) I've never seen tolerant ignorance done so well. Apparently Carol has never heard of The Log Cabin Republicans who have been conservative and gay all over the country for quite some time. Then again, why would you assume anyone who comments on a Saint Louis news site to have any kind of knowledge beyond the basics of breathing and not shitting themselves.
The abortion comment is the clincher. I'm not going to refute that abortion rates are higher in liberal states than in conservative states, but the idea that republican teens will just stop fucking when all the democrats have been eradicated in an explosion of gay orgy (best kind of explosion) is hilariously stupid. Mostly because I doubt most teenagers hold to either conservative or liberal beliefs. Also because teens like to fuck. I should know, I was a teen once.

So Allen makes sure to tell us that he has no problem with the gays and their "Choices." You know, as long as they don't get all up on his marriage rights or get all intolerant of the poor, beaten down Christians of the world. Lord knows the gays have been running around, burning down churches and spitting in the faces of devout Christians. Our eyes are on you, LGBT community. You better not be intolerant!
Meanwhile, no one has tried to stop my totally hetero yet atheist-as-all-hell marriage.
Let us, instead, focus on the twisted reality he lays down in the name of science. He claims that the gay gene shouldn't be able to be passed on because the gays aren't reproducing. His final statement is that TRUE SCIENCE falls on the side of conservatism.
So I think Allen is under the impression there is some secret hetero sexin' the gay and lesbians of the world are getting into. How else could the gay gene be passed on? Sure, you might do a google search and find there is no conclusive evidence of any kind of gene in the human genome that makes a dude want to bone another dude, but that won't stop Allen. He has TRUE SCIENCE on his side.
Let's see some more science from Allen Bovey.
Yeah, people probably would be up in arms about a pastor, priest, reverend, imam or Limbaugh dating an eighteen year old. There is a different standard for the religious and political leaders of our community. Besides, there already has been outcry from the community affected by this situation. They are dealing with it on their own terms and in their own ways. Maybe it's just me, but since it's a community I am not a part of and nothing illegal is happening, I really don't give a damn. Let them sort it out, and if the LGBT community of STL feel they should oust him from his position as head of Pride STL, let them do it.
As for the public schools getting gay indoctrination, I think the proper word he was groping for was "acceptance".

Liberal sources have shown us that putting a boy with no heterosexual role models into a school with all gay teachers will get you a confused or gay acting boy. This is what happens when you go to Fire Island High or join the cast of Glee.
I have a friend who is gay. To protect his anonymity, I will pretend to make up a name for him. B was in the Army with me. B is pretty gay and very awesome. He's a lot of fun to drink with, to smoke with and to just run around getting into trouble with. B is also 6'2", 220 lbs and the only time he is "acting gay" is when he is having sex with another man, which is pretty damn gay.
Other than that, he doesn't "act" in any way different than most other soldiers I've known. Well, he always had hand lotion, but during the winter I've taken a bit of that for cracking hands. Being prepared doesn't make you gay, it makes you a Boy Scout.
I've met plenty of gay and lesbian people who don't follow the stereotypes of mincing steps and shrill voices or playing softball and having short cropped hair. I'm not sure how Allen has come up with these ideas of what goes on in a school run by all gay men. That sounds more like a gay porn he watched so he can study them gays and their gayness better. He'd probably also like to borrow Brandon's hand lotion.
Also, is there anything worse than a stupid asshole being condescending? I've been around the internet for almost two decades now, and nothing I read make me want to punch a computer screen harder.
This one fills in the last of the gay stereotypes quite nicely for us. Gays hiding in bushes waiting to pounce on innocent high school kids, rainbow flag and sparkly pants at the ready. Apparently this is tantamount to slavery in Allen's books, which is a step below accusing someone of being worse than nine Hitlers when it comes to arguing. Slavery was wrong because obviously owning a person is wrong. Dating an eighteen year old when you are thirty is a little more into the gray area.
As for a older person dating a younger person, I'm sure we only have that happening in the dark recesses of ancient history.
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Very dark indeed |
Alright kids, one more and then daddy has to finish his rum and contemplate when way to turn the gun.

I'm sure there are plenty of people, gay and straight, who like Adam Lambert. However, allowing him to paint an entire group of people with one broad stroke is stupid. Gay guys don't date? I think it's more along the lines of young, famous rich guys don't date because they are young, rich and famous and like parking the beef bus in a different terminal every night. Just because he doesn't date and the gay guys around him don't date doesn't mean you can lump everyone in there.
Just to make things even, I'll go ahead a do the same thing for straight guys. Did you know there is someone how actually had a reality show about how to insult women and then fuck them? I bet all straight dudes are like that. It supports my bullshit TRUE SCIENCE which I don't back up at all.
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He and Adam probably share makeup |
Actually, don't do that. Then I'd have nothing to write about.
I love the fact that he is a Top Commenter. Every thread I have seen, he is in it. I wonder what he does for a living. Because I sure as shit don't have that kind of time on my hands.
ReplyDeleteAsk any married man who wants to have sex more, him or his wife? 99% of the time the answer will be the man. In general, men have a much bigger desire to want to screw people they are attracted to. This includes gay men. And guess what, the men they are attracted to are also men. What I am saying is that Adam Lampert's comment has some merit. That Allen guy is still an idiot though.
ReplyDeleteI wonder what would happen if we asked any married woman if she wanted more sex. You know, if married couples were more open to each other and communicated their desires, I'm sure more people would be having more sex more often.
DeleteThen again, I'm just pulling that out of my ass. Much like your 99% of married men.
Let's not lump men and women into weird gender roles. I know women who have wanted more sex in their relationships, just like men. Turns out, sex is fun and people like having it.