Lord knows I do love myself a good government conspiracy, especially when it's on that makes no sense at all. It seems the internet is populated by people who have an absolute distrust for the government. Of course, the internet, which is filled with all their favorite forums to discuss lizard popes, was funded, created and currently monitored by the government. I mean, if you were a smart conspiracy theorist, you'd be building a unibomber cabin in the woods right now rather than screaming about the gun stealing robot aliens.
In a story from KMOV, we learn about the United States Geological Survey using helicopters to search for possible mineral deposits in the St. Louis area. They lead off with the most conspiracy laden headline possible, but that's to be expected from websites shamelessly attempting to pull ad clicks instead of report real news.
Speaking of, have you tried Coca-Cola lately? You won't find a better path to refreshing diabetes!
In a story from KMOV, we learn about the United States Geological Survey using helicopters to search for possible mineral deposits in the St. Louis area. They lead off with the most conspiracy laden headline possible, but that's to be expected from websites shamelessly attempting to pull ad clicks instead of report real news.
Speaking of, have you tried Coca-Cola lately? You won't find a better path to refreshing diabetes!
It seems from this thread no one is exactly sure what is going on with the helicopter, but it sure isn't whatever they specifically said it would be. Gold grab? Sure! Of course the government has the biggest gold reserve in the world, but you keep thinking that 14k plated chain or those three bullion with swastikas stamped in them you inherited from grandpa are worth their time.
Man, government conspiracy is my favorite. Crawford county is highly populated? A quarter of it is the Mark Twain national forest. If there is anything to be concerned about, it's the government possibly strip mining part of the state for rare earth metals. Though I bet if the government came with a fat mining rights check, some land owners would change their conspiracy tune really quick.
Everyone hates government spending unless it's being spent on them.
Well, after finding your bible stash, what else do we need to take over the world?
I know you like to think your book as some magical properties, but it's still a book and it isn't showing up on the sensors of our bible seeking missiles.
I know you like to think your book as some magical properties, but it's still a book and it isn't showing up on the sensors of our bible seeking missiles.
I guarantee you this isn't going to stop my southern Missouri family from putting dead babies on placards and billboards and waving them around in front of children. I don't know how this correlation happened in their head, but we signed a constitutional law against gay marriage. Your shitty version of Christianity is firmly entrenched, I assure you.
One thing I notice with people who are fairly stupid is their blanket assumption of technology = whatever magic I can dream up. Suddenly we have sensors that can count how many old .22 Springfield rifles you have in a closet?
I'd like a rundown on what people believe technology can actually do. I already have to listen to people clamor about how the NSA is reading their boring texts to their boring friends on a Friday night. Yeah, it's real important to national security that we find out if you and your girlfriend are going to have a night at the bar you always go to or just order a pizza and watch Netflix.
The government doesn't care about you. They want you to buy guns and pay taxes. They want you to buy your stupid safe and burn electricity on the internet and vote for things that don't matter because it keeps this whole mess of a society going.
No one is impressed by you.
I know I'm now blocking out names, but I want to let you know this post was from a facebook dedicated to prepping. If you don't know what that is, it's when crazy people who can't understand that we have a functioning society and decide to prepare for a war which will plunge us into an apocalyptic wasteland they are sure to survive.
I don't understand the vaseline comment, nor do I think the author of this post knows anything about gathering information about precious metals. As for Afghanistan, we've known about the possible deposits for decades, but there's no easy or cheap way to mine it.
But hey, basic research is for queers and communists.
I've got about 40-60 odds on this being a troll. It's hard for me to believe anyone uses the word "sheeple" unironically.
Then again, I can't assume people who comment on these stories about FEMA death camps know how to do anything beyond parrot the most frightening things shit out by conservative radio stations.
Unfortunately, you can't declare anything a "no fly zone" since you aren't an independent country. But go ahead and try to break off from the USA. It's worked out so well back in the mid 1800s
Do your secret things inside, but not inside the underground bunker or gun safe. We can count the bullets in there. You should be fine in your shower though. You don't have to close the curtains...
What do you suppose it's like to be this afraid of the government? If I for a moment thought FEMA death camps were being erected in this country, I'd be traveling to Canada and practicing my 'aboots.'
There are real reasons to be pissed off at the American government, and real reasons to dislike the current administration. Gun grabbing and gold stealing are not any of those reasons.
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