Monday, August 4, 2014

Saint Louis can't get this death row thing figured out.

I like to imagine I'm a reasonable person. I choose to give people the benefit of the doubt usually (Though I don't believe for a second you need bus fair, smelly dude at the Delmar Shell Station)

In a story from KSDK, a man who spend ten years in prison was recently released as new evidence overturned his guilty conviction. He is now suing for a hundred million dollars. According to the usual brain shit Saint Louis comments are normally made of, he should have been raped to death by the parents of his victims by now. However, we have to be philisophical about Ryan Ferguson. I wonder why that is...

I'm not saying it's because he's white, handsome and charismatic, know...

Here's a fun idea, we fine the jury for finding him guilty! That wouldn't influence a single jury in the future. But if that civil case is brought up before a jury, can the jury sue the other jury? Or would that be just as stupid?

He deserves something, but not money. Well, not MY money, that's for sure. 

Again, this would be placing the blame on the jury or the judge. Or maybe the prosecuting attorney for getting the conviction? Or would it be the defense attorney for not being better. Should we sue the new evidence? How much money does a splash of DNA have, and how can I sue the fuck out of it?

I mean, at least no one is calling for the guy's death (though for the last ten years he totally deserved it because he was a murdering murder.) At the same time, it's a whole lot of shoulder shrugging and "Sorry, bro" coming from the peanut gallery.

I keep telling people this new math bullshit is for the birds

Are there trolls on news facebook walls? It seems like you'd be pissing into an ocean of piss.

Ah, the Rodney King defense. Most people will tell you King deserved to get the shit beaten out of him by the cops. Since I lack the will to open a new internet browser tab and scan a wikipedia article, I'll just go ahead and say police are trained to use necessary force. No amount of drugs, resisting or attacking deserves a beating like the one King received.

I mean, I'm not SURPRISED it happened, but it shouldn't have. 

I'm glad the guy is out of prison, but this just highlights the duality of Saint Louisians when it comes to the death penalty. Many would have spent ten years screaming for his death as they do with so many others. But if there's one thing everyone in the state can agree with, it's that somehow, this is a waste of my hard earned tax dollars, and all the state does is take away MY MONEY and give it to freeloaders. 

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